Star Wars Merchandise Wiki:Sandbox
Welcome to the Star Wars Merchandise Wiki's sandbox!
This page exists so that you can practice editing or formatting (see Editing help) without changing any serious content. Feel free to try wiki editing out here first.
Wiki allow for rather complicated formatting. It can look overwhelming when you begin, but don't let it worry you. Just start with the basics...enter some text, and learn the other pieces as you go. Your content contributions are welcome and important. The wiki is a collaborative effort and others can help with formatting and other improvements.
Best wishes!
This page is for any tests.
Welcome to the sandbox!
Anyone can edit this.
Simple Editing[edit source]
To edit a page, click on the "edit" tab, usually near the top of the page. Then, edit the box in the page. Feel free to practice here, on this page. It's here just for you to practice.
A blank line indicates a paragraph separation.
You can link to another page by putting the name or title of that page in double square brackets. [[Main Page]] becomes Main Page.
Simple Formatting[edit source]
Create headers by putting text inbetween repeated equal (=) signs. The more =, the lower level the heading is.
Create a bulleted list by starting each item with an asterick (*)
- it's ok to make editing mistakes
- you can preview your work before saving it
- even after saving it, you or someone else can edit it again to make it even better
Formatting for Emphasis[edit source]
Put single quote marks around words or phrases for formatting emphasis.
Two single quotes, like ''italics'' will create italics.
Three single quotes, like '''bold text''' will create bold text.
Other stuff...
If you know HTML or CSS formatting commands, they can also be used in this wiki. One useful HTML command is <br> which creates a line break.
If you want to show what a command looks like, rather than actually implementing the command, surround it with the nowiki command.
Upgraded to MediaWiki 1.9.1[edit source]
Don't believe? See Special:Version. --Jack Phoenix (Contact) 16:47, 20 March 2007 (UTC)
Random stuff[edit source]
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