Revenge of the Sith
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Jump to navigationJump to searchRevenge of the Sith is Hasbro's action figure line from 2005.
The line included seventy-three figures in its basic assortment.
The figures in Collection 1 had no support base (except 55 - Mustafar Sentry) and usually had an action feature, whereas Collection 2 figures had a support base and no action features.
Wave breakdown[edit | edit source]
Collection 1[edit | edit source]
Wave 1[edit | edit source]
- 01 - Obi-Wan Kenobi (Slashing Attack!)
- 02 - Anakin Skywalker (Lightsaber Attack)
- 03 - Yoda (Firing Cannon!)
- 04 - Super Battle Droid
- 05 - Chewbacca (Wookiee Rage!)
- 06 - Clone Trooper (Quick-Draw Attack!)
- 07 - Clone Trooper (Shocktrooper)
- 08 - R2-D2 (Droid Attack!)
- 09 - Grievous's Bodyguard (Battle Attack!)
- 10 - Mace Windu (Force Combat!)
- 11 - Darth Vader (Lightsaber Attack!)
- 12 - Emperor Palpatine (Firing Force Lightning!)
Wave 2[edit | edit source]
- 25 - Tarfful (Firing Bowcaster!)
- 26 - Yoda (Spinning Attack!)
- 27 - Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Kick!)
- 28 - Anakin Skywalker (Slashing Attack!)
Wave 3[edit | edit source]
- 33 - Clone Commander (Battle Gear)
- 33 - Clone Commander (Green)
- 34 - Clone Pilot (Firing Cannon)
- 34 - Clone Pilot (Shadow Pilot)
- 35 - Palpatine (Lightsaber Attack!)
- 36 - General Grievous (Exploding Body!)
- 41 - Clone Trooper (Super Articulated!)
Wave 4[edit | edit source]
- 42 - Neimoidian Warrior (Neimoidian Blaster Attack!)
- 43 - Wookiee Warrior (Wookiee Blaster Bash!) - Brown
- 43 - Wookiee Warrior (Wookie Blaster Bash!) - Tan
- 44 - Destroyer Droid (Firing Arm-Blaster!)
Wave 5[edit | edit source]
- 48 - R2-D2 (Try Me!)
- 49 - Commander Bacara (Quick-Draw Attack!)
- 50 - Anakin Skywalker (Battle Damage!)
Wave 6[edit | edit source]
- 54 - AT-RT Driver (Missile-Firing Blaster!)
- 55 - Obi-Wan Kenobi (With Pilot Gear!)
- 56 - Mustafar Sentry (Spinning Energy Bolt!)
Wave 7[edit | edit source]
- 57 - Commander Bly
- 58 - Wookiee Commando
- 59 - Commander Gree
- 60 - Grievous' Bodyguard
- 61 - Passel Argente
- 62 - Cat Miin (Shu Mai's Aide)
- 63 - Neimoidian Commander
Collection 2[edit | edit source]
Wave 1[edit | edit source]
- 13 - Count Dooku (Sith Lord)
- 14 - Chancellor Palpatine (Supreme Chancellor)
- 15 - Bail Organa (Republic Senator)
- 16 - Plo Koon (Jedi Master)
- 17 - Battle Droid (Separatist Army)
- 18 - C-3PO (Protocol Droid)
- 19 - Padmé (Republic Senator)
- 20 - Agen Kolar (Jedi Master)
- 21 - Shaak Ti (Jedi Master)
- 22 - Kit Fisto (Jedi Master)
- 23 - Royal Guard (Senate Security) I
- 23 - Royal Guard (Senate Security) II
- 24 - Mon Mothma (Republic Senator)
Wave 2[edit | edit source]
- 29 - Ki-Adi-Mundi (Jedi Master)
- 30 - Saesee Tiin (Jedi Master)
- 31 - Luminara Unduli (Jedi Master)
- 32 - Aayla Secura (Jedi Knight)
Wave 3[edit | edit source]
- 37 - Vader's Medical Droid (Chopper Droid)
- 38 - AT-TE Tank Gunner (Clone Army)
- 39 - Polis Massan (Medic)
- 40 - Mas Amedda (Republic Senator)
Wave 4[edit | edit source]
- 45 - Tarkin (Governor)
- 46 - Ask Aak (Republic Senator)
- 47 - Meena Tills (Republic Senator)
Wave 5[edit | edit source]
- 51 - Captain Antilles (Senate Security)
- 52 - Zett Jukassa (Jedi Padawan)
- 53 - Utapaun Warrior (Utapaun Security!)
Wave 6[edit | edit source]
- 64 - R4-P17 (Rolling Action!)
- 65 - Tactical Ops Trooper (501st)
- 66 - Plo Koon (Hologram)
- 67 - Aayla Secura (Hologram)
- 68 - Wookiee Heavy Gunner