Omega Squad Communications
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The Omega Squad Communications, otherwise known as Atin is the communications man of Omega Squad. He is also trained in slicing and hacking. He is part of the Elite Forces of the Republic set on Entertainment Earth, and part of the Republic Elite Forces: Mandalorians and Omega Squad pack.
Squadmates[edit | edit source]
- Omega Squad Sergeant (Niner/RC-1309)
- Omega Squad Demolitions (Darman/RC-1136)
- Omega Squad Sniper(Fi/RC-8015)
Product Description[edit | edit source]
This has been taken from Entertainment Earth 'This elite clone commando squad wears black armor, unlike most other commando squads. They are originally from different squads whose ranks were ravaged during the Battle of Geonosis. Those who survived were combined to form the Omega Squad.'