List of Star Wars action figure products
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Jump to navigationJump to searchThis is a list of every Star Wars product Kenner and Hasbro have made.
This list needs to be expanded. Please add as much as you can.
Vintage Figures[edit | edit source]
Power of the Force 2 Figures[edit | edit source]
Episode I[edit | edit source]
Revenge of the Sith Figures[edit | edit source]
The Saga Collection[edit | edit source]
30th Anniversary Collection[edit | edit source]
Wave Breakdown[edit | edit source]
Wave 1[edit | edit source]
- 01 - Darth Vader (Coin Album)
- 02 - Galactic Marine
- 03 - Mustafar Lava Miner
- 04 - R2-D2
- 05 - Obi-Wan Kenobi
- 06 - Mace Windu
- 07 - Airborne Trooper
- 08 - Super Battle Droid
- 09 - Concept Stormtrooper (McQuarrie Signature Series)
Wave 2[edit | edit source]
- 10 - Rebel Honor Guard
- 11 - Han Solo (Millennium Falcon Gunner)
- 12 - Luke Skywalker (Yavin IV Ceremony)
- 13 - Biggs Darklighter (Rebel Pilot)
- 14 - Death Star Trooper
- 15 - Concept Boba Fett (McQuarrie Signature Series)
Wave 3[edit | edit source]
- 16 - Darth Vader
- 17 - Biggs Darklighter (Academy Outfit)
- 18 - Luke Skywalker
- 19 - Jawa & LIN-V8K
- 20 - Imperial Stormtrooper
- 21 - Concept Chewbacca (McQuarrie Signature Series)
- 22 - M'iiyoom Onith
- 23 - Elis Helrot
Wave 4[edit | edit source]
- 24 - Boba Fett (Animated Debut)
- 25 - Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight)
- 26 - CZ-4
- 27 - Umpass-stay
- 28 - Concept Darth Vader (McQuarrie Signature Series)
Wave 5[edit | edit source]
- 29 - Hermie Odle
- 30 - C-3PO & Salacious Crumb
- 31 - Roron Corobb
- 32 - Yoda & Kybuck
- 33 - Anakin Skywalker (Liberation of the Nelvaanians)
- 34 - Darth Revan
- 35 - Darth Malak
- 36 - Qymaen jai Sheelal (Pre-Cyborg Grievous)
- 37 - Concept Starkiller Hero (McQuarrie Signature Series)
Wave 6[edit | edit source]
- 38 - Han Solo (Bespin Torture Rack)
- 39 - Lando Calrissian (Smuggling Outfit)
- 40 - General Pharl McQuarrie
- 41 - 4-LOM
- 42 - Concept Snowtrooper (McQuarrie Signature Series)
Wave 7[edit | edit source]
- 43 - Ewoks
- 44 - Tycho Celchu (A-Wing Pilot)
- 45 - Anakin Skywalker (Endor Spirit)
- 46 - R2-D2 (Ewok Capture)
- 47 - Concept Han Solo (McQuarrie Signature Series)
Wave 7.5[edit | edit source]
- 48 - Darth Vader (Hologram)
- 49 - Clone Trooper (7th Siege Battalion)
- 50 - Clone Arc-Trooper (Rain Poncho)
- 51 - R2-B1
- 52 - Naboo Soldier (Red Variation)
- 53 - Rebel Trooper (Ethnic)
- 54 - Rodian Bounty Hunter
Wave 8[edit | edit source]
- 55 - Clone Trooper (Training Outfit w/ Snap-On Armor)
- 56 - Padmé Amidala
- 57 - Jango Fett (Rain Poncho)
- 58 - Voolvif Monn
- 59 - Destroyer Droid
- 60 - Concept Rebel Trooper (McQuarrie Signature Series)
The Force Unleashed Wave[edit | edit source]
- 61 - Darth Vader
- 62 - Maris Brood
- 63 - General Kota
- 64 - Juno Eclipse
- 65 - Heavy Stormtrooper
- 66 - Stormtrooper
- 67 - Shadow Guard
Saga Legends[edit | edit source]
- 01 - Darth Vader
- 02 - Darth Maul
- 03 - Yoda
- 04 - R2-D2
- 05 - General Grievous
- 06 - C-3P0 (with Battle Droid head)
- 07 - Clone Trooper (ROTS)
- 08 - Shocktrooper
- 09 - Battle Droids
- 10 - Clone Trooper (AOTC)
- 11 - Boba Fett
- 12 - Obi-Wan Kenobi
- 13 - Chewbacca
- 14 - Anakin Skywalker
- 15 - Saesee Tiin
- 16 - Destroyer Droid
- 17 - 501st Clone Trooper
- 18 - Princess Leia (Boushh disguise)
- 19 - Sandtrooper
Fan Choice[edit | edit source]
- - Dark Trooper (Fan's Choice #1)
- - Imperial Officer (3 variant head sculpts)
- - Pit Droids 2-pack (white, brown, orange) with 1 (of 2) accessories
- - Sandtrooper
- - Clone Commander (Coruscant)
- - Clone Trooper Officer (red, blue, yellow, green)
- - Biker Scout
- - TC-14
- - RA-7
- - R4-I9
Vintage Figure Collection[edit | edit source]
Battle Packs[edit | edit source]
- Battle of Geonosis
- Betrayal on Bespin
- Capture at the Droid Factory
- Capture of Tantive IV
- Hoth Patrol
- Jedi Training on Dagobah
- STAP Attack
Repacks[edit | edit source]
Target Exclusive[edit | edit source]
Wal-Mart Exclusive[edit | edit source]
Multi-Packs[edit | edit source]
Internet Exclusive[edit | edit source]
- Battlefront II Clones Multi-Pack
- Battlefront II Droids Multi-Pack
- Star Wars Elite Forces of the Republic Multi-Pack
Comic Packs[edit | edit source]
Internet Exclusive:[edit | edit source]
Wave 1[edit | edit source]
Basic:[edit | edit source]
Wave 1[edit | edit source]
- 02 - Darth Vader & Rebel Officer (Marvel)
- 03 - Governor Tarkin & Stormtrooper (Marvel)
- 04 - Chewbacca & Han Solo (Stormtrooper Disguise) (Marvel)
Wave 2[edit | edit source]
- 05 - Quinlan Vos & Vilmarh Grahrk (Republic)
- 06 - Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper Disguise) & R2-D2 (Marvel)
- 07 - Obi-Wan Kenobi & ARC Trooper Alpha (Republic)
Wave 3[edit | edit source]
- 08 - Dark Woman & A'Sharad Hett (Republic)
- 09 - Darth Vader & Princess Leia (Infinities)
- 10 - Mara Jade & Luke Skywalker (Heir to the Empire)
Wave 4[edit | edit source]
- 11 - Anakin Skywalker & Assassin Droid (Republic)
- 12 - Baron Fel & Derek "Hobbie" Klivian (X-Wing: Rogue Squadron)
- 13 - Bultar Swan & Koffi Arana (Purge)
Wave 5[edit | edit source]
- 14 - Luke Skywalker (Lt. Jundland) & Lt. Shan (Empire)
- 15 - Mouse & Basso in Stormtrooper Disguise (Empire)
- 16 - Republic Commando & Super Battle Droid (Star Wars Tales)
Order 66[edit | edit source]
- #1 - Emperor Palpatine and Commander Thire
- #2 - Mace Windu and Galactic Marine
- #3 - Darth Vader and Commander Bow
- #4 - Obi-Wan Kenobi and AT-RT Driver
- #5 - Anakin Skywalker and Airborne Trooper
- #6 - Yoda and Kashyyyk Trooper
Vehicles[edit | edit source]
- Anakin Skywalker's Jedi Starfighter
- Darth Vader's Sith Starfighter
- General Grievous's Starfighter
- Hailfire Droid
- Mace Windu's Jedi Starfighter
- Obi-Wan Kenobi's Jedi Starfighter
- Saesee Tiin's Jedi Starfighter
- Sith Infiltrator
- TIE Fighter
- Trade Federation Armored Assault Tank (AAT)
- V-Wing Starfighter
Target Exclusive[edit | edit source]
- ARC-170 Fighter
Toys R' Us Exclusive[edit | edit source]
- Gold Squadron Y-Wing Fighter
- 181st Squadron TIE Interceptor
- Obi-Wan Kenobi's Jedi Starfighter w/ Hyperdrive Booster Ring
Creatures[edit | edit source]
Toys R' Us Exclusive[edit | edit source]
- Bantha with Tusken Raider
- Geonosis Creatures