Lego minifigure

Minifigures are small Lego® figures. Most Lego® sets include minifigures. Minifigures are composed of the following parts: head, torso, arms, hands, hips, and legs.
Design[edit | edit source]
As described earlier, minifigures are composed of several separate parts: head, torso, arms, hands, hips and legs. The legs can rotate independently to 90 degrees forwards, and about 45 degrees backwards. They also attach to normal Lego bricks in either a sitting or standing position. The hands of a minifigure make a "C" shape, which allows them to hold many Lego accessories. There are many different accessories based on the accessories from Star Wars movies, including Lego Lightsabers and Lego blasters. Minifigure heads are cylindrical, and attach to a long narrow cylinder at the top of the torso. The heads also have a stud on top, which things like helmets and hair can be attached to. In 2003, the first minifigures with natural skin-tones – as opposed to the yellow previously used – were released with the Basketball theme, the next year Lego® started to use natural skintones for the Lego Star Wars as well.
List of Lego® Star Wars minifigures[edit | edit source]
(This list may be incomplete)
Episode I[edit | edit source]
- Lego Battle Droid
- Lego Battle droid (security)
- Lego Battle Droid (Commander)
- Lego Qui-Gon Jinn
- Lego R2-D2
- Lego Naboo pilot
- Lego Darth Maul
- Lego Obi-Wan (Padawan)
- Lego Captain Tarpals
- Lego Jar Jar Binks
- Lego Naboo Security Officer
- Lego Battle Droid Pilot
- Lego Anakin (Podracer)
- Lego Sebulba
- Lego Watto
- Lego Gasgano
- Lego Aldar Beedo
- Lego Padme
Episode II[edit | edit source]
- Lego Count Dooku
- Lego Yoda
- Lego Clone Trooper
- Lego Jango Fett
- Lego Anakin Skywalker (padawan)
- Lego Obi-Wan (Knight)
- Lego Battle Droid
- Lego Boba Fett (Boy)
- Lego Super Battle Droid
- Lego Jedi Knight (Geonosis)
- Lego Destroyer Droid
- Lego Zam Wesell
- Lego Geonosian
Clone Wars[edit | edit source]
- Lego Ahsoka Tano
- Anakin Skywalker
- Lego Asajj Ventress
- Lego Battle Droid
- Lego Battle Droid Commander
- Lego Clone trooper
- Lego Clone Pilot
- Lego Captain Rex
- Lego Commander Cody
- Lego Commander Fox
- Lego Magna droid
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Lego Plo Koon
- Lego Rotta
- Lego Count Dooku
- Lego Yoda (Clone Wars)
- Lego Super Battle Droid
- Lego Chancellor Palpatine
Episode III[edit | edit source]
- Lego Anakin (Jedi)
- Lego Anakin Skywalker (burned)
- Lego battle droid
- Lego Clone Pilot
- Lego Clone Trooper
- Lego 327th Star Corps' Clone Trooper
- Lego Clone Commander
- Lego Clone shock trooper
- Lego Darth Vader
- Lego General Grievous
- Lego Kit Fisto
- Lego Luminara Unduli
- Lego Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Lego super battle droid
- Lego Tarfful
- Lego Yoda
- Lego Chewbacca
- Lego Mace Windu
Episode IV[edit | edit source]

- Lego Luke Skywalker (Tatooine)
- Lego Luke Skywalker (Pilot)
- Lego Han Solo (Smuggler)
- Lego Princess Leia (Senator)
- Lego Stormtrooper
- Lego Sandtrooper
- Lego Wedge Antilles
- Lego Ben Kenobi
- Lego Biggs Darklighter
- Lego Chewbacca
- Lego Imperial Officer
- Lego Greedo
- Lego Tusken Raider
- Lego TIE Pilot
- Lego Wilhuff Tarkin
- Lego C-3PO
- Lego T-16 Pilot
- Lego Royal Guard
- Lego Rebel Trooper
Episode V[edit | edit source]
- Lego Luke Skywalker (Pilot)
- Lego Dack Ralter
- Lego Snowtrooper
- Lego Han Solo (Hoth)
- Lego Princess Leia (Hoth)
- Lego Luke Skywalker (Dagobah)
- Lego Luke Skywalker (Bespin)
- Lego Han Solo (Bespin)
- Lego Han Solo (Carbonite)
- Lego Princess Leia (Bespin)
- Lego Lando Calrissian (Administrator)
- Lego Chewbacca
- Lego Stormtroopers
- Lego Yoda
- Lego Boba Fett (Bounty Hunter)
- Lego TIE Pilot
- Lego C-3PO
- Lego R2-D2
Episode VI[edit | edit source]
- Lego Princess Leia (Slave)
- Lego Luke Skywalker (Jedi)
- Lego Luke Skywalker (Endor)
- Lego Stormtroopers
- Lego Darth Vader
- Lego Emperor Palpatine
- Lego C-3PO
- Lego R2-D2
- Lego Lando Calrissian (Guard)
- Lego Han Solo (Sail Barge)
- Lego Gamorrean Guard
- Lego Jabba the Hutt
- Lego Sarlacc
- Lego Bib Fortuna
- Lego Boba Fett
- Lego Scout trooper
- Lego AT-ST Pilot
- Lego Ewok
- Lego Royal Guard
- Lego TIE Pilot
- Lego Imperial Officer
- Lego Rebel Mechanic
Expanded Universe[edit | edit source]
- Lego Darth Vader's Secret Apprentice (a.k.a Starkiller)
- Lego Juno Eclipse
- Lego Darth Vader (Battle Damage)