Episode I
From the Star Wars Merchandise Wiki.
Jump to navigationJump to searchEpisode I is Hasbro's action figure line from 1999-2000.
The line included fifty figures in its basic assortment.
Every figure in the line can be seen in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.
Basic figures[edit | edit source]
1999 figures[edit | edit source]
- Adi Gallia
- Anakin Skywalker (Naboo Pilot)
- Anakin Skywalker (Naboo)
- Anakin Skywalker (Tatooine)
- Battle Droid
- Boss Nass
- C-3PO
- Captain Panaka
- Captain Tarpals
- Chancellor Valorum
- Darth Maul (Jedi Duel)
- Darth Maul (Sith Lord)
- Darth Maul (Tatooine)
- Darth Sidious
- Darth Sidious Holograph
- Destroyer Droid
- Gasgano and Pit Droid
- Jar Jar Binks
- Ki-Adi-Mundi
- Mace Windu
- Naboo Royal Guard
- Naboo Royal Security
- Nute Gunray
- Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Knight)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi (Naboo)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Duel)
- Ody Mandrell with Otoga 222 Pit Droid
- OOM-9
- Padmé Naberrie
- Queen Amidala (Coruscant)
- Queen Amidala (Naboo)
- Qui-Gon Jinn (Naboo)
- Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi Duel)
- R2-D2
- Ric Olié
- Rune Haako
- Senator Palpatine
- Watto
- Yoda
2000 figures[edit | edit source]
- Destroyer Droid (Battle Damaged)
- Jar Jar Binks (Naboo Swamp)
- Pit Droids (2 pack)
- Queen Amidala (Battle)
- Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi Master)
- R2-B1
- Sio Bibble
- TC-14
Deluxe figures[edit | edit source]
Multipacks[edit | edit source]
Cinema scenes[edit | edit source]
Creatures[edit | edit source]
- Ammo Wagon and Falumpaset
- Eopie with Qui-Gon Jinn
- Fambaa and Gungan Warrior
- Jabba the Hutt with 2-Headed Announcer
- Kaadu and Jar Jar Binks
- Opee and Qui-Gon Jinn
Accessory sets[edit | edit source]
- Flash Cannon (Electronic)
- Gungan Energy Ball Catapult Set (Electronic)
- Hyper-Drive Repair Kit Accessory Set
- Naboo Accessory Set
- Pod Racer Fuel Station Accessory Set
- Rappel Line Attack Accessory Set
- Sith Accessory Set
- Tatooine Accessory Set
- Tatooine Disguise Accessory Set
- Underwater Accessory Set