Concept R2-D2 and C-3PO (McQuarrie Signature Series) - The 30th Anniversary Collection

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R2-D2 and C-3PO (McQuarrie Signature Series)







Collectors Coin


30th Anniversary Collection



R2-D2 & C-3PO (McQuarrie Signature Series) is catalogued as The 30th Anniversary Collection.

Information[edit | edit source]

These figures are a Celebration IV and Toyrocket Exclusive.

Accessories[edit | edit source]

Cardback biography[edit | edit source]

Artist Profile: The vivid imagination of conceptual artist Ralph McQuarrie brought to life the characters and worlds envisioned by George Lucas. McQuarrie’s paintings and drawings were instrumental in the push to bring Lucas’s saga to the big screen, giving shape and form to a multitude of fantastic individuals, creatures, planets and technology encompassed in this epic tale. Developed in collaboration with McQuarrie himself, this remarkable action figure series pays tribute to the man whose art defined some of the most memorable characters in film history.

Comments: Ralph McQuarrie was commissioned by George Lucas to create several paintings. This scene depicts R2-D2 and C-3PO in a desert landscape. Even in this early rendering, Threepio already has a somewhat startled look, and Artoo reveals traces of his spunky nature.